Former SRO exempt from City’s no harassment law

Building had been converted prior to passage of Local Law. Jennifer Walker purchased 151 West 76th Street, a five-story residential building in Manhattan, in 2002. That year, Walker applied to Buildings for permits to renovate three apartments and a terrace. Buildings determined that the building’s legal use was an SRO, requiring a certificate of no harassment from HPD before permits could be granted. Consequently, Buildings denied the permits.

AfterWalker sought a certificate from HPD and … <Read More>

DeNiro hotel obtains variance

Contaminated soil remediation caused hardship. 377 Greenwich LLC, with principals Robert DeNiro, Ira Druckier and Richard Born, sought BSA approval for a 59,419- square-foot, seven-story luxury hotel in Tribeca that would exceed floor area, wall height and setback restrictions. DeNiro’s development team had started the permit process in 2003 by first seeking the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s approval for construction of a six-story building within the Tribeca West Historic District. After receiving approval, the six-story project … <Read More>

Developer fails to beat down-zoning deadline

Area rezoned minutes before applicant obtained a new building permit. BSA denied applications to renew a new building permit and extend the time to complete the foundation for a proposed building at 3329 Giles Place in Van Cortlandt Village, the Bronx. After the City Council approved the down-zoning of a 15-block area of Van Cortlandt Village on September 28, 2004, (1 CityLand 4 (Oct. 15, 2004)), Buildings issued a stop-work order to GRA V LLC, … <Read More>

Variance granted for former bus garage site

New residential/commercial building approved after substantial height reduction. TTW Realty LLC, owner of a 60,000-square-foot lot at 19-73 38th Street within a manufacturing district in Astoria, applied for a use variance to construct a ten-story, mixed-use development containing retail and community facility space at street level and 108 residential units above. The proposed 150,000-square-foot building would contain 195 parking spaces, accessory to the proposed uses.

In its BSA application, TTW explained that in 1997 ten … <Read More>

Variance granted for Bay Ridge building

Owner relies on hardship and changes in the area. The owner of 6002 Fort Hamilton Parkway in Bay Ridge applied to BSA to convert a three-story commercial/warehouse building, zoned for manufacturing, to a 124,880-square-foot residential building with 90 units, ground floor retail and public parking for 90 cars. The building had been used as a dairy processing center for the Borden Milk Company, an auto service space, roller skating rink and, until recently, as a … <Read More>

Owner withdraws application for mixed-use building

Community members protest overdevelopment. D’Angelo Properties, Inc. owns a Carvel ice cream store at 64-01 Grand Avenue in Maspeth. It sought to demolish the one-story structure and, with a bulk variance, construct a 4-storybuilding with a new Carvel, other retail, and community facility space on the ground level, with 15 residential units above.

D’Angelo’s application to BSA represented that a bulk variance was necessary to create a productive use of the property. Conforming retail uses, … <Read More>