Superior Ink factory site to get fifteen-story development

Poor soil conditions and site contamination create hardship. The owner of 469 West Street sought to construct a 64-unit, fifteen-story mixed-use development with ground floor retail and an underground 60-space accessory parking garage on the current site of the Superior Ink factory. The proposed development would consist of a three-story base topped with a twelve-story residential tower and a series of five, three-story townhouses fronting Bethune Street. In support of a variance, the owner argued … <Read More>

Developer withdraws variance requests after rezoning

Developer sought variance to build additional 2-family home in flood zone. The developer of three lots located on 130th Street in College Point, Queens, applied to BSA for a variance to construct three, two-family homes on property formerly occupied by the Ariel Rowing and Tennis Club. The developer’s applications represented that a hardship existed due to the lots’ location within a flood zone, which would require that the buildings be constructed on piles and without … <Read More>

BSA permits bldg. to exceed limits of new rezoning

Owner claimed soil cleanup and structural repair made smaller building infeasible. Prior to the City’s 183-block rezoning of North Brooklyn, Selik Realty sought BSA approval to convert a three-story manufacturing building on North 7th Street and Meeker Avenue in Williamsburg into residential units and to add four additional stories. When the site was rezoned in May 2005, residential use became permitted as of right, but Selik maintained its BSA application, seeking approval of a building … <Read More>

Variance approved for 100- bed Village nursing facility

Six-story nursing home approved with enlarged floor plates and a side courtyard in lieu of rear yard. Village Care of New York, a not-for-profit entity and owner of 214 West Houston, an 11,253- square-foot lot in the West Village, proposed to replace an existing parking garage and construct a new six-story, 45,000-square-foot, 100- bed nursing home.

Village Care requested variances for lot coverage, rear yard, and setback requirements, arguing that the lot was shallow and … <Read More>

Mixed-use bldg. to replace NoHo lumber storage yard

Owner argued that adjacent overbuilt buildings restricted the development of its lot. Lauto Group, LTD sought to construct an 11- story, 37,535-square-foot building at 48 Bond Street in NoHo, a vacant site used by Great Jones Lumber for parking and lumber storage for its Great Jones Street store. Lauto’s new building, a 129-foot tall structure with retail and residential units, required BSA approval to exceed limits on height, and to permit ground floor retail and … <Read More>

Variance approved for Mill Basin synagogue

Community opponents raised issues of parking and building height. Sephardic Center of Mill Basin proposed to construct a new 1 0,800 square-foot, two-story synagogue to replace its 20-year old, 6,800-squarefoot synagogue on the corner of Strickland and Mill Avenues in Mill Basin, Brooklyn. As proposed, the new synagogue would exceed the permitted floor area by 5,384 sq.ft., exceed the district’s permitted height by seven feet and fail to provide sufficient parking.

The Center claimed that … <Read More>