New two-story house okayed for vacant lot. Geoffroi Flournoy, of BRP Development Corp., sought Landmarks approval to build a twostory, red-brick building at 302 Waverly Avenue, a vacant lot in the Clinton Hill Historic District, Brooklyn. Following three public hearings in 2001 through 2003, the new building was approved based on the design’s replication of other two-story carriage houses within the district.
In approving, Landmarks noted that the design’s proposed cornice, red brick and large wooden garage door related to the existing carriage houses on Waverly Avenue and were in keeping with the historic district. Further, the new building would only be slightly visible from Clinton Avenue, which contains several notable mansions once owned by the Pratt family.
LPC: 302 Waverly Avenue (COFA#05- 2828) (October 15, 2004). CITYADMIN