Attorney General Schneiderman announces large contribution for Land Banks statewide, nearly doubling total grants. On March 24, 2017, New York State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced $20.9 million in new grants to acquire abandoned properties and rehabilitate them for productive use. The grants were awarded under the Land Bank Community Revitalization Initiative to 19 land banks across the State. The $20.9 million brings the total Schneiderman has invested in land banks to $57 million … <Read More>
Author: Jonathon Sizemore
One Year Under Mandatory Rules Produces 4,700 Affordable Units
Mayor and City Council celebrate progress in production of affordable housing units since the passage of mandatory affordable rules one year ago. March 22, 2017, marked the one year anniversary of the Mandatory Inclusionary Housing program. The program, which requires developers to include permanently affordable housing whenever a special permit or a rezoning significantly increases the underlying potential residential floor area, has received both praise and chastisement from advocates and Council Members.
Nisha Agarwal: “Lawyers help enforce the law, but also change it”
In 2014, Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Nisha Agarwal as the Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs. Agarwal has since pushed forward and implemented IDNYC, New York City’s municipal ID card, a program that ensures that all New York City residents have access to City services. More than 900,000 New York City residents have signed up in the two years the program has operated. Agarwal also supervises ActionNYC. ActionNYC connects New Yorkers with … <Read More>
Buildings Exempted from Rent Law
Red Hook developer converted commercial buildings into residential apartments. Harbor Tech LLC in 1999 purchased a commercial complex located in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn that had been built in the 1920s and used continuously for commercial purposes. Harbor Tech by 2005 had converted the five interlaced buildings of the complex into 100 residential units.
Thirty-five residents of the complex in 2013 sued Harbor Tech to have the City’s Rent Stabilization Law applied … <Read More>
EVENT REMINDER: CityLaw Breakfast with MTA Construction Chief Michael Horodniceanu
The Center for New York City Law cordially invites you to a City Law Breakfast
Michael Horodniceanu
President, MTA Capital Construction Company
Speaking on:
“Building Mega-Projects: Lessons from the Second Avenue Subway”
Trump Village Loses Utility Claim
Residents of Trump Village challenged size of rent reduction when Trump Village switched to individual electric metering. Trump Village, located at 2940 Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn, has 433 rent-regulated apartments. In January 2006, Trump Village applied to the State Division of Housing and Community Renewal to convert Trump Village to individual electric metering and to separate the cost of electricity from rent payments of tenants. In June 2006, the Division approved Trump Village’s application, including … <Read More>