In this season of Thanksgiving, the Center for New York City Law has so many things to be thankful for. As 2015 winds down, our events and publications are enjoying record breaking successes this year.
Without the kind and generous support of our donors-individuals like you-the Center for New York City Law would not be what it is today. For this we thank you.
During this time for giving, we ask you to support our Center’s successes. There are so many worthy causes out there, and like you, we are asked to support many of them, too. I hope that you continue to make the Center for New York City Law at New York Law School, our students and our civic minded programs, one of your highest philanthropic priorities. I ask you to be as generous as you can and please know in advance how grateful we and our students are to you.
Please Make a Contribution Now!
Or make checks payable to: “New York Law School” and write “The Center for New York City Law” on the Memo line. Checks can be mailed to: The Center for NYC Law, c/o New York Law School, 185 West Broadway, New York, NY 10013.
The Center for New York City Law’s publications CityLaw, CityRegs and CityLand are all thriving. has produced more land use coverage than ever before and is on pace to have over 80,000 visitors in 2015. This year, the Center has also provided 20 New York Law School students a published writing venue through our printed CityLaw publication.
We held nine CityLaw Breakfasts in 2015, more than we have ever held in one year, and our most recent Breakfast with Vicki Been, Commissioner of the Department of Housing Preservation and Development was the 130th CityLaw Breakfast. Our breakfasts have become so popular that we required overflow rooms for Preet Bharara in January, and Bill Bratton in October. In addition, over 5,000 people watched the Preet Bharara breakfast video on our website. All of our breakfasts received great press coverage in print, online and through television media. NY1 broadcasted Preet Bharara’s speech live.
In May, the Center celebrated its 20th Anniversary by holding its first Annual Civic Fame Awards Breakfast. The Center honored individuals who have made significant and long term contributions to the civic life of New York City. The four initial honored awardees include a Stanley Shuman, a private business leader who accepted major civic assignments, Mary McCormick, a foundation executive who devoted herself to developing innovative civic programs, Jeffrey Friedlander, a Law Department lawyer who represents the best in the legal profession, and Sheila Murphy Aresty, a younger NYLS graduate who has given special service to the Center for New York City Law. Each awardee received a unique certificate bearing the striking image of Civic Fame. This will be a new tradition for the Center and the Second Annual Civic Fame Breakfast will be held on May 27, 2016.
Our CityLaw Breakfasts have become a major source for donations to the Center. Through the Breakfast Gold Star voluntary donation program, 260 people have made donations averaging over $1,000 per breakfast in 2015. The full list of our Donor Honor Roll can be viewed on our website.
A $250 gift right now will automatically make you a Gold Star Donor for every CityLaw Breakfast in 2016.
Once again, we thank you for any support you can give us. All contributions will be listed on our website. To make a donation online, please click: HERE.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Ross Sandler
*Please consider doubling your gift through your company’s matching gift program. Check with your HR Department for more information. To receive a tax-deduction for 2015, gifts must be postmarked by December 31, 2015.