Kathleen Grimm, NYLS class of 1980. Image credit: New York Law School
Kathleen Grimm, who passed away on February 17, 2015, never stopped working for the good of New York City. She took on the toughest jobs and did them with grace and competence. People who worked with her once, did so again and again and did so happily. She had friends everywhere in government, and just as many here at New York Law School.
Kathleen graduated from NYLS in 1980, but had an inspiring career before law school. Her first job after graduating from Manhattanville College was teaching English at an elementary school in northern Mexico. Her next experience was as a social worker, licensed nursing home administrator, and then Assistant Director of Menorah Home and Hospital for the Aged in Brooklyn. After graduating NYLS in 1980 she earned an LL.M. (Tax) from NYU Law School. She worked as an IRS estate tax attorney and in private practice, first with a firm, and later as sole practitioner, before embarking on her long career in public service. Kathleen Grimm directly served five Mayors, one Comptroller, seven Commissioners, and four Chancellors. She was First Deputy Commissioner of the New York City Department of Finance, New York State Deputy Comptroller for the City of New York, and had been Deputy Chancellor at the NYC Department of Education for twelve years before her retirement in January 2015.
Kathleen Grimm was among the first to join the advisory council of the Center for New York City Law. She had a regular seat at CityLaw Breakfasts. She spoke at an early breakfast when she held the office of Deputy State Comptroller for New York City.
Kathleen Grimm, as an active alumna, served for many years on the NYLS board of trustee, taught municipal finance as an adjunct professor and led the alumni association.
On February 11, 2015, the NYLS board of trustees established the Kathleen Grimm’80 Government Service Scholarship Fund and the Kathleen Grimm’80 Medal for Distinguished Public Service in her honor. The Kathleen Grimm Medal will be presented annually to a member of the bar or a law student who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to public service and who embodies the qualities of dedication and leadership that she so well exemplified.
We will miss seeing Kathleen Grimm in her regular seat at CityLaw Breakfasts.
Ross Sandler